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Caves to Castles: Introducing Ancient to Medieval Art

A journey into the aesthetics of the ancient world
Dr. Emily Gafney
13 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Basic cultural background and art analysis from Ancient through Medieval periods

We are living in difficult times. We might not be able to travel as much as we would like, maybe we are spending most of our time at home. Confinement can weaken our capacity to wonder. This is why it is a perfect time to learn about art. Art provides a language for what is difficult for us to express. Especially in times of struggle, art gives us a way to connect to each other, and to convey how we feel when words are not enough. This course will connect you to the past, when, believe it or not, life was not always easy! Learning about history is cathartic, inspirational, and exactly what we need right now. Come with me on a journey though time, and forget the present for a moment. Become inspired by the eternal.

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5 hours on-demand video
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