In this practical and inspirational course, I will teach you the simple tools that will allow you to leave the anxiety and rush of your everyday life behind. If you have tried religion but found it empty this course is for you. In my darkest hour I realized that I had never been taught the tools I needed to thrive in the middle of adversity. I was raised in the church, but when I was a teenager my mom passed away from cancer and I discovered that the the tools I had been taught to connect with God were insufficient for the depths my heart desired. I wanted to feel His presence and hear His voice. Not just once in a while, but all the time. This seemed to be the norm for a few Bible characters like Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Daniel. I wondered if there was something different about them, or if anyone could learn to do what they did?
I made it my mission to find out. I read every book I could on Spiritual growth, I attended conferences, I got my undergraduate degree in theology while enrolling in every spiritual growth course I could find. I then went on to Seminary and continued my quest. When I encountered someone who seemed to have a deeper experience then I did I paid thousands of dollars to have them personally mentor me. I spent tens of thousands of dollars and decades of my life on this quest, and it was worth it because of the relationship I enjoy with God today. I have found so much joy and peace that I can’t keep this to myself. I want to save you decades of work and expense and help you supercharge your Spiritual life today.
In this course you will discover how to:
Embrace simplicity and get out of the rat race.
Deepen your prayer life.
Bring your Bible study to life.
Harness the power of your imagination to connect with God.
Meditate the way the Bible prescribes.
Fast for spiritual breakthrough.
Orient your schedule to God’s rhythms and find rest for your soul.
Pray with power and passion.
These keys to spiritual growth are a fresh take on the spiritual disciplines that can unleash your personal growth in Christ. This course invites you to take the plunge and dive into the deep places of God where there is peace and joy. You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can connect your heart to God’s in such a deep way that nothing fazes you. If you are waiting for your circumstances to improve so you can be happy and peaceful, it will never happen. Peace and joy are an inside job, and you can have them today. Don’t wait. Enroll today and begin your journey deeper into the heart of God!